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Guidance For Hockey Community Following Passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II

Writer: Amanda RobertsAmanda Roberts

Updated: Sep 13, 2022

Thank you for respecting Hockey Wales’ decision to suspend all activities for 24 hours following the passing of Her Majesty the Queen, and for the continued respect shown during hockey activity over the weekend.

Hockey Wales has updated the below advice to support clubs, players, and all hockey activity during the period of National Mourning.

  • It is recommended that all hockey activities can continue, including training, matches, and pre-season friendlies, with the exception of the 19th September, the day of the Queen’s funeral.

  • If you decide to continue with hockey activities, as a mark of respect we recommend the use of armbands or black ribbons, and a two-minute silence is observed before activity begins.

  • It is recommended that non-essential social media is paused and remains respectful during the period of mourning. Hockey Wales will be limiting our social media activity to essential activity only at this time.

  • We ask that all hockey activity scheduled for Monday 19th September, the day of the Queen’s funeral, is rearranged or cancelled. Hockey Wales will be closed for the day to show our respects.

Thank you for your ongoing support. This guidance is in place until Tuesday 20th September 2022.

“Hockey Wales joins the country in mourning for Her Majesty the Queen who served the British nation and Commonwealth tirelessly for 70 years. Our thoughts are with her family at this time.” Ria Burrage-Male, Hockey Wales CEO


Diolch am barchu penderfyniad Hoci Cymru I ohirio gweithgareddau Hoci am 24awr wedi marwolaeth Frenhines Elizabeth, a hefyd am ddangos parch ar draws gweithgareddau’r penwythnos. Rydym yn gwerthfawrogi.

Mae Hoci Cymru wedi rhyddhau cyngor ychwanegol i glybiau a chwaraewyr ar draws unrhyw weithgaredd hoci dros y cyfnod galaru swyddogol.

  • Rydym yn awgrymu fod gweithgareddau Hoci yn parhau, gan gynnwys gemau, ymarferion, gemau cyfeillgar, ond ofynnwn fod gweithgareddau yn cael i ohirio ar Ddydd Llun, 19eg o Fedi, diwrnod yr angladd.

  • Os rydych yn cynnal gweithgareddau, allan o barch rydym yn awgrymu gad cyfnod tawel o ddwy funud cyn dechrau.

  • Rydym yn gadw i awgrymu dylech gadw ddefnydd cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn barchus. Fydd Hoci Cymru yn rhyddhau gwybodaeth bwysig yn unig yn ystod y cyfnod galaru.

  • Ofynnwn I chi ohirio pob gweithgaredd Hoci ar ddydd Llun, 19eg o Fedi, ac aildrefnwch pan sy’n gyfleus. Fydd Hoci Cymru hefyd ar gau ar ddiwrnod yr angladd.

Diolch am eich cydweithrediad. Fydd y cyngor uchod yn le tan ddydd Mawrth, 20fed o Fedi 2022.

“Mae Hoci Cymru yn galaru gyda gweddill Prydain I ddangos parch i’r Frenhines, a rhoi diolch am ei wasanaeth I Brydain ar Gymanwlad dros y 70 flynedd diwethaf. Mae ein teimladau efo’i theulu.” Ria Burrage-Male, Prif Weithredwr Hoci Cymru

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